hiks hiks hiks.. tajuk jek dah eksen semcm.. hahaha.. actually cter dah basi n aku dah tepek kat FB pon all d picca, but then kat ofc aku FB kene block n all the related person ngan picca teringin nk tgk picca yg ala2 macho so aku publish jek la kat blog nie.. matchnyer on last friday kat padang UPM.. Piala Ikram Rovers (if i'm not mistaken).. and team hcm kalah kat quarter final.. but then as per title mestila kitaorg menang bergaye, sbbnyer dato' MD team kitaorg.. hehehe..
before pegi wajib bergediks dulu yerrr..
pherghh! pic last yg kurus tu yg nmpk mahal tu!!
aik.. macam lens baru jerk..
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